Empower Your Business with Innovative Software Solutions

At Software Sales Group, we elevate your business through diamond-level partnerships and innovative software solutions tailored for success.

About Us

  • Founded by Mark Venuto and Bill Patchett, Software Sales Group (SSG) aims to deliver outstanding software products to our esteemed clients. With extensive experience in the software industry, Mark and Bill bring their expertise and passion to SSG, providing strategic guidance and fostering relationships with advisors, distributors, and customers.

  • We're currently working to enhance your online experience with our upcoming website. Stay tuned for updates and exciting features that will make navigation and engagement seamless.

  • At Software Sales Group, LLC, our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge software solutions. We commit to providing top-tier services and products to our customers while maintaining strong partnerships with our distributors and advisors. Through our dedication to excellence and innovation, we strive to exceed expectations and pave the way for technological advancement in the industry.

Our Diamond Partners

We take pride in our partnerships with leading software solution providers. Our diamond partners include SaaS Alerts and Trustifi, who share our commitment to offering top-tier software solutions.

Connect with Us

We’re always ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns. Please feel free to reach out:

Bill Patchett at Bpatchett@softwaresalesgroup.com
Mark Venuto at MVenuto@softwaresalesgroup.com

Alternatively, you can call us at 888-747-8353.